Ganel-Lyn Condie has received the Influencer for Good Award for her ongoing work that positively impacts communities and families.
Ganel-Lyn is a motivational speaker and author of more than a dozen books. Her messages center on faith, family, and principles that will empower others to live life with more joy.
“We recognize Ganel-Lyn with this award because of her focus on strengthening and aiding members of the community and educators and parents,” said Anne Brown, the President and CEO of the Cook Center for Human Connection, who presented the award to her live on “Good Things Utah” last month.
“I believe we all have influence. When we call someone an influencer, we usually are referring to someone sharing content on social media,” said Ganel-Lyn. “I take serious the stewardship of sharing tools, content, and fostering authentic connections. I am so grateful for this opportunity.”
“She just really strives to connect groups and individuals in positive and wonderfully unique ways,” said Brown.
The Cook Center established the Influencer for Good Award to recognize those with influence who use their platforms to spread messages that contribute to the mental and emotional wellbeing of others, promote causes that lead to stronger families, or uplift vulnerable members of the community.
“[Ganel-Lyn] is so deserving,” said Brown. “She promotes content that is so uplifting and not offensive or harmful that is helpful to everyone everywhere.” We’re proud to be partners.
It is the mission of the Cook Center for Human Connection to bring together the best organizations, programs and products to prevent suicide, provide mental health support, and enhance human connections essential for people to thrive.
“In this space it has sometimes felt really lonely,” said Ganel-Lyn “It has felt like I’ve thrown seeds out into the wind hoping they’d make a difference. To have an organization like this come along with powerful resources and a focused attention on really making a change, I feel like the needle is starting to move.”
The death of her sister, Meg, by suicide, is one of the events that has motoivated her to engage so deeply in her work.
“I have lost count of those that have connected over the past nine years with the story of my sister Meg’s death by suicide. I am so grateful that in sharing our families loss, conversations for others has rippled out over thousands,” she said.
Last summer, the Cook Center founders Greg and Julie Cook presented the first Influencer for Good Award to Ashely Rose Reeves.
Brown looks forward to presenting more people the award and continuing to spread positive messages of connection.
“There is so much darkness and negativity in our world, but light will dispel it. We want to amplify that light, and this award is just one way we can do that,” said Brown.
“I’m really honored that the Cook Center would recognize me but I’m so grateful they’re on the planet; they’re really putting a lot out there and it’s being heard.”
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