- 2024 -


Exclusive Leadership Event for School District Superintendents and Administrators

September 17th 2024
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

The Grand Ballroom at the Grand Traverse Resort

Traverse City, Michigan

You’re invited to this exclusive leadership event focused specifically on the needs of Michigan School District Superintendents and Administrators.

Why Happiness?

Happiness is an essential investment for leaders as a cornerstone of professional success and personal fulfillment.

Prioritizing happiness enhances resiliency, sharpens decision-making, and equips you to face the challenges of leadership with grace and effectiveness.

Happiness directly impacts productivity, creativity and loyalty–all of which contribute to a positive and dynamic workplace culture and builds a more connected community.

Join in the conversation and gain:

  • Insight into the neuroscience of effective leadership
  • Techniques to foster a culture of happiness in schools
  • Practices to improve staff retention, recruitment, and performance
  • Practical tools and resources for immediate impact

Additional Highlights Include:

  • Connecting and networking with Superintendent peers
  • Discussing innovative solutions for employee retention and recruitment
  • Learning crucial skills to cultivate thriving schools, contented staff, and successful students

Uplevel your leadership style to inspire, enlighten, and sustain.

Michelle Bartsch

Vice President of Education, Cook Center for Human Connection

Grace Brown

Sr. Manager of Impact & Curriculum, Cook Center for Human Connection


September 17, 2024

Traverse City, Michigan

8:30 - 9:00 AM – Continental Breakfast (provided)

Registration and Check-in
Meet and Greet 

9:00 - 9:30 AM

Welcome and Introductions – Katy Xenakis-Makowski, Superintendent, Johannesburg-Lewiston Area Services
Symposium Overview – Sarah Walsh, Director of Advocacy, School and Community Impact, Cook Center for Human Connection

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Science of Leadership and Happiness – Michelle Bartsch, Vice President, Cook Center for Human Connection

10:30 - 11:00 AM

The Positive and Negative Affect – Grace Brown, Sr. Manager of Impact & Curriculum, Cook Center for Human Connection

11:00 - 12:00 PM

Harvard Happiness Equation – Grace Brown, Sr. Manager of Impact & Curriculum, Cook Center for Human Connection

12:00 - 12:45 PM - Working Lunch (Provided)

Mission for Mental Wellness Jonathan Tobar, Assistant Superintendent, Livingston Educational Service Agency; Katy Xenakis-Makowski & Sarah Walsh

12:45 - 1:45 PM

Neuroscience’s Four Secrets Revealed – Michelle Bartsch, Vice President, Cook Center for Human Connection

1:45 - 2:45 PM

Putting Ideas into Action – Collaborative Leadership

2:45 PM

Closing Remarks & Survey – Sarah Walsh